2025 Australian Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


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2025 Australian Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates


The Australian calendar, also known as the Gregorian calendar, is the de facto calendar used in Australia. It is a solar calendar that consists of 12 months, with each month containing either 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The Australian calendar is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st. The calendar is also aligned with the Earth’s tilt on its axis, which results in the seasons.

Months of the Year

The Australian calendar has 12 months, each with a different number of days:

  • January: 31 days
  • February: 28 days (29 days in leap years)
  • March: 31 days
  • April: 30 days
  • May: 31 days
  • June: 30 days
  • July: 31 days
  • August: 31 days
  • September: 30 days
  • October: 31 days
  • November: 30 days
  • December: 31 days


The Australian calendar is divided into four seasons:

  • Spring: September 1st to November 30th
  • Summer: December 1st to February 28th (February 29th in leap years)
  • Autumn: March 1st to May 31st
  • Winter: June 1st to August 31st

Public Holidays

Australia has a number of public holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. These holidays include:

  • New Year’s Day: January 1st
  • Australia Day: January 26th
  • Good Friday: The Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday: The Monday after Easter Sunday
  • Anzac Day: April 25th
  • Queen’s Birthday: The second Monday in June
  • Labour Day: The first Monday in May (except in Western Australia, where it is celebrated on the first Monday in March)
  • Christmas Day: December 25th
  • Boxing Day: December 26th

Leap Years

Leap years occur every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. In a leap year, February has 29 days instead of 28 days. This is to make up for the fact that the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is not exactly 365 days long.

Free Printable Calendars

There are a number of websites that offer free printable Australian calendars. These calendars can be customized to include your own events and appointments.


The Australian calendar is a valuable tool for planning your year. It can help you keep track of important dates, events, and appointments. By understanding the Australian calendar, you can make the most of your time in Australia.

Additional Information

  • The Australian calendar is based on the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
  • The Australian calendar is the same as the calendar used in most other countries around the world.
  • The Australian calendar is a solar calendar, which means that it is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
  • The Australian calendar is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
  • Australia has a number of public holidays that are celebrated throughout the year.
  • Leap years occur every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400.
  • There are a number of websites that offer free printable Australian calendars.

Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates 2025 Australia Calendar with Holidays
2025 Australia Calendar with Holidays Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates
2025 Australia Calendar with Holidays Australia Calendar 2025 - Free Printable PDF templates


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