October 2025 Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview


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October 2025 Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

October 2025 Calendar with Extra-large Dates  WikiDates.org


The Gregorian calendar, widely adopted worldwide, follows a 12-month cycle with 365 days in most years. October, the tenth month of the year, consists of 31 days and is a pivotal period in many cultures. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the October 2025 calendar, highlighting significant dates, holidays, and astronomical events.

Days of the Week

The calendar below displays the days of the week for October 2025:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 29 30 1 2 3 4 5
2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
5 27 28 29 30 31


October 2025 features several notable holidays celebrated globally or in specific regions:

  • October 1 (Wednesday): International Coffee Day
  • October 4 (Saturday): World Animal Day
  • October 5 (Sunday): World Teachers’ Day
  • October 12 (Sunday): Columbus Day (United States)
  • October 14 (Tuesday): National Dessert Day (United States)
  • October 24 (Friday): United Nations Day
  • October 31 (Friday): Halloween

Astronomical Events

October 2025 presents several astronomical events visible from various locations around the world:

  • October 9 (Thursday): Full Moon (Hunter’s Moon)
  • October 16 (Thursday): Last Quarter Moon
  • October 23 (Thursday): New Moon
  • October 30 (Thursday): First Quarter Moon

Key Dates

In addition to holidays and astronomical events, October 2025 marks several significant dates:

  • October 1 (Wednesday): Start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • October 2 (Thursday): Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary
  • October 5 (Sunday): World Habitat Day
  • October 10 (Friday): World Mental Health Day
  • October 11 (Saturday): International Day of the Girl Child
  • October 16 (Thursday): World Food Day
  • October 20 (Monday): International Chefs Day
  • October 24 (Friday): International Day of Climate Action
  • October 28 (Tuesday): World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
  • October 29 (Wednesday): World Stroke Day
  • October 31 (Friday): End of Daylight Saving Time (in most Northern Hemisphere countries)

Cultural and Religious Observances

October 2025 coincides with various cultural and religious observances:

  • October 1-31: Hispanic Heritage Month (United States)
  • October 1-31: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • October 1-31: Down Syndrome Awareness Month
  • October 1-31: National Bullying Prevention Month (United States)
  • October 1-31: Domestic Violence Awareness Month (United States)
  • October 1-31: Vegetarian Awareness Month
  • October 1 (Wednesday): Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
  • October 10 (Friday): Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement)
  • October 24 (Friday): Diwali (Hindu festival of lights)
  • October 29 (Wednesday): Muharram (Islamic New Year)


October 2025 is a multifaceted month marked by significant holidays, astronomical events, and cultural and religious observances. This comprehensive calendar provides a detailed overview of the month, empowering individuals to plan and navigate their schedules accordingly. By understanding the key dates and events, we can fully embrace the opportunities and festivities that October 2025 has to offer.

October 2025 Calendar with Day Numbers  WikiDates.org October 2025 Print A Calendar October 2025 Calendar  Templates for Word, Excel and PDF
October 2025 Calendar  Templates for Word, Excel and PDF Basic Calendar for October 2025  WikiDates.org


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